Everything You Need to Know About Scleral Contact Lenses

Scleral contact lenses are a hot topic lately. These ultra-large contact lenses offer crisp vision with lots of comfort. Keep reading to learn all about scleral lenses.

What Are Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses are large, durable contact lenses made of gas-permeable plastic. The large lenses sit over the cornea. They rest on the white of the eye called the sclera. This gives them the name “scleral lenses.”

Why Are They So Comfortable?

Scleral lenses feel comfy for a few reasons. First, they make a “fluid vault.” This is a small dome of fluid between the lens and the eye. Extra moisture here helps ease dryness. It also keeps oxygen flowing to the cornea.

Also, scleral lenses avoid pressing on sensitive spots. Unlike small lenses sitting right on the cornea, the large size bridges over tender areas. No discomfort comes from uneven weight or rubbing on the eye.

Lastly, the solid build keeps these lenses still. They rarely slip or move around. So, your eyes relax instead of straining to focus through unstable lenses.

Who Are Scleral Lenses For?

Scleral lenses work great for people with irregularly shaped corneas. If conditions like keratoconus or injuries distort the cornea, images will blur. These lenses act as a crystal-clear window. Light passes evenly through the round, uniform shape.

The lenses also help if cornea changes make smaller contacts or glasses uncomfortable. Surgery, injury, or transplants can alter the cornea. These lenses vault over tender spots for healthy sight and feeling.

Caring for Scleral Lenses

Lens care is easy with some practice. Always use sterile saline with preservatives to fill the bowl before inserting. Saline keeps the lenses hydrated between blinks. Ensure there are no bubbles trapped inside, as they distort vision.

Clean and rinse the lenses each night, too. Use special solutions and cleaners but never water. Ask your supplier any care questions, as methods may vary. Lastly, scleral lenses are for day use only. Remove them before sleeping at night.

Applying and Removing Lenses

Applying the lenses takes some getting used to, but do not worry. There are handy gadgets to help. Insertion plungers and suction cups for removal make handling the big lenses easy. You can also try the simple finger tripod method. Thoroughly clean and dry your hands before touching the lenses every time.

Carefully inspect your lenses before wearing them each day. Follow all your eye doctor’s application and removal instructions. Ask them to demonstrate proper techniques. Master them before attempting on your own. Proper handling prevents damage and infections.

Scleral Lenses vs. Other Options

How do scleral lenses stack up to alternatives like glasses or smaller contacts? They often beat glasses where frames get in the way of sports and activities. Unlike glasses, they also avoid fogging up from weather, masks, and more.

Contact lens wearers bored of repeatedly lost or damaged small lenses will love scleral lenses, too. Less handling makes them less prone to rips. Compared to regular contacts, they stay put thanks to the broad surface area. Less slippage reduces the dryness or corneal abrasions.

Scleral contact lenses offer an exciting new vision option combining optical sharpness, healthy eyes, and lasting comfort. Consider discussing scleral lenses with your optometrist, especially if regular contacts frustrate you. Expect crisp, clear vision with healthy eyes from this cutting-edge innovation.

For more on scleral lenses, visit Heights Vision Specialists at our office in Houston, Texas. Call (832) 501-3300 to schedule an appointment today.
